Sarah E. Patterson

Teaching Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Florida State University
Office: Brewster A-307
Phone: 252-737-4877
Sarah E Patterson received her PhD and MA in US History from Florida State University, and her MA in anthropology from the University of West Florida. Her research primarily focuses on the US military, particularly the Marine Corps, 20th century US history, and the interconnections of military history with gender history. She recently worked as a historian for a government contractor in support of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency and their mission to account for missing servicemembers from World War II on. Patterson is currently working on a book titled, Semper Fidelis: Image, Bodies, and the Marine Corps from World War I to the Korean War.
Selected Publications:
“‘Cows and Culture’: The Significance of The Land Girl to the Contributions of the Women’s Land Army in World War II”, Introductory Essay for “Service Newspapers of World War Two,” Adam Matthew Digital Ltd. September 2019.
‘“Beauty Isn’t Prerequisite for Girl Marines”: Images of Female Marines During World War II,” Marine Corps History, volume 8, number 1 (Summer 2022): 5-20.
Courses Offered:
HIST 1050: American History to 1877
HIST 5520: Maritime History of the Western World Since 1815
HIST 6525: Sea Power, 480BC to the Present