Lynn Harris


Ph.D., University of South Carolina

Office: Eller House 200/Brewster A-305


Phone: 252-328-1967
Spring 2022 Office Hours: History 3981, History 6881 and COAS 5001: Monday and Friday 9:30-12:00 via Microsoft Teams


Lynn Harris (PhD University of South Carolina) has a background in nautical and terrestrial archaeology and maritime history. She teaches courses in underwater archaeology methods, maritime material culture, maritime landscapes, watercraft history, coastal cultural resource management, African and Caribbean maritime history and archaeology. Teaching assignments have included directing summer abroad study programs and international field schools in Namibia, South Africa, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. Harris also engages in research projects on the south eastern seaboard that integrate student researchers. Currently, two grant projects are underway. One to research and expand the African American maritime history on Portsmouth Island NC and another to conduct rapid site surveys coastal heritage at risk using a variety of technologies and tools on diverse sites in NC, SC, and GA. Each case study site has state or national historic significance, conservation management challenges and serves as an intellectual platform to segue between preservation of an historic icon and research questions. For the past four years, Harris has lead a collaborative project with Costa Rican partners to study two shipwrecks and maritime legacies in Cahuita located on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

Most recently, Harris authored and edited two books, in addition to co-authoring articles published in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Journal of Maritime Archaeology, and Coriolis: Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies. Harris currently serves as faculty in the Program in Maritime Studies, Atlantic World Program, and Coastal Resources Management Doctoral Degree Program.  She has served for several years as a member of the Advisory Council in Maritime Archaeology and is a Nautical Archaeology Society instructor offered public workshops for diving stewardship groups locally and internationally with her colleagues. Harris welcomes graduate students who are interested in underwater archaeology, interdisciplinary research and applied maritime history projects.

Selected Publications:

Harris L. and Nathan Richards (2018) Preliminary Investigations of Two Shipwrecks in Cahuita Park, Costa Rica.  International Journal of Nautical

Archaeology 0:1-14.

Harris, L. (2017) The Special Signal Services (SSS) Women and the Native Military Corps: Operators and Guards at the WWII Secret Radar Station of the

Western Cape, South Africa Coriolis: Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies 7.2:1-20.

Harris L. Richards N., Raupp J., Ball, T., Caldwell, T., Cox, S., Fricker, K., Sprague., D., Wright, D., Toro, M., Coloner, R., Constant, T., Gallo, E., Koblensky, A.,

Lahmann S., Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, K., Stevens, P., Ugalde, J. and Viachico, F., (2016) Community Maritime Archaeology in Costa Rica: Cahuita National Park Site Report 2016, Report to Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion (SINAC), Costa Rica, Program in Maritime Studies, East Carolina University, North Carolina.

Harris L. and Richards N., Borelli, J., Carroll, E., Christian, L., Clevenger, K., Dwyer, K., Freitas, M., Oyediran, A., Piner, H., Pratt, E., Price, M., Ropp, A., Rose, B.,

Schwalbe, E., Swierenga, S. and Urban, D., (2015)Tantalizing Tales of Two Shipwrecks: Cahuita National Park Site Report. Report to Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion (SINAC), Costa Rica. Fieldwork Report, Program in Maritime Studies, East Carolina University, North Carolina

Borrelli J. and Harris L. (2016) Bricks as ballast: An archaeological investigation of a shipwreck site in Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica. Society for Historical

Archaeology Conference Proceedings, Washington DC, 8–16

Harris, B. L. Editor (2016) Sea Ports and Sea Power: African Maritime Landscapes Studies.  Springer Press

Harris, Lynn (2015) Patroons and Periaguas: Enslaved Watermen and Watercraft of the Lowcountry. University of South Carolina Press.

Harris, Lynn (2014) African Canoe to Plantation Crew: Tracing African Memory and Legacy. Coriolis: Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies 4.2:35-52.

Harris, Lynn (2013) “Maritime Heritage Outreach and Education: East Carolina University’s Engagement with International Public Communities in Africa

and the Caribbean” Chapter 9. in Between the Devil and the Deep: Meeting Challenges in the Public Perception of Maritime Cultural Heritage, Della Scott-Ireton (ed.), Springer Press.

Harris, Lynn (2013). “Shipyard Archaeology” Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Claire Smith (ed.), Springer Press.

Harris, Lynn, Jennifer Jones, and Kate Schnitzer (2012) Monuments in the Desert: A Maritime Landscape in Namibia. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 1:11-


Harris, Lynn (2010) South Carolina Shipyards: Labour, Logistics, Lumber and Ladies. Journal of Maritime Archaeology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 17-35.

Brown, Daniel, Cooper Katherine and Harris Lynn (2010) The Plantation boat Accomodation: An Icon of the South. Nautical Research Journal, 56 (2), 93-114.

Harris, Lynn (1997) Public Education and Submerged Small craft Documentation in South Carolina. Museum Small Craft Association Transactions. Volume


Harris, Lynn (2002) Underwater Heritage and the Diving Community.  Barbara J. Little, Public Benefits of Archaeology. Chapter 6:59-73. University Press of
Florida, Gainesville.
