Jennifer McKinnon

Ph.D., Florida State University; M.A. Florida State University; B.A. University of Florida
Office: Eller 203
Phone: 252-328-6788
Jennifer McKinnon has a background in historical and maritime archaeology and cultural heritage management. She has worked in the US, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, and Europe on sites ranging from the colonial period to WWII. Her research areas include Spanish colonial archaeology, archaeology and history of the U.S. Life-Saving Service, conflict archaeology of WWII in the Pacific; landscape and seascape archaeology; in situ conservation and preservation, and Community Archaeology. She is a Research Associate of Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research, Inc., a non-profit organization working in underwater archaeology and is the Chair of the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology, an international advisory body focused on issues relating to underwater archaeology, conservation, and submerged cultural resources management.
Prior to teaching at ECU, she was a Senior Lecturer in Flinders University’s Program in Maritime Archaeology in South Australia and a Senior Underwater Archaeologist with Florida’s Bureau of Archaeological Research, Department of State.
Selected Publications:
Books, Edited Volumes, and Manuals
McKinnon, J. M.J. Roth, and T.L. Carrell. 2020. Submerged Battlefield Survey Manual: American Battlefield Protection Program. Ships of Exploration and Discovery, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Soder, S. and J.F. McKinnon. 2019. It Rained Fire: Oral Histories from the Battle for Saipan. Lulu Press.
McKinnon, J. and T. Carrell (eds.). 2015. Underwater Archaeology of a Pacific Battlefield: The WWII Battle of Saipan. Springer Press, New York.
Richards, V. and J. McKinnon (eds.). 2010. In Situ Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Public, Professionals and Preservation. The PAST Foundation, Columbus, Ohio.
Book Chapters
McKinnon, J.F. 2023. Seeking a Shared Connection through Underwater Cultural Heritage of WWII in the Pacific. In B. Raffield, Y. Hirasawa, N. Price War of the Worlds Multi-Cultural Archaeologies of the Pacific War, 1941-1945. Routledge Press.
McKinnon, J.F. 2022. Individual and Collective Memory of WWII in the Pacific: How Can Archaeology Contribute? In. M. Tveskov and A. Bissonnette Historical Memory, Archaeology, and the Social Experience of Conflict. University Press of Florida.
McKinnon, J.F. and S. Soder. 2022. Collaboration, Investigation, Interpretation: Indigenous Narratives and Archaeology of WWII in the Northern Mariana Islands. In J. Jameson, and S. Baugher, Participatory Heritage Interpretation. Springer Press.
Ticknor, A., T. Averett, A. Crowe, J. McKinnon, A. Froula, C. Grace-McCaskey, S. Weiss, and A. Klein. 2020. Lazy Bottom Retreats: Where No One is Actually Lazy or a Bottom. In S. Russo (ed.) Feminist Pilgrimage: Journeys of Discovery. Litwin Books, Sacramento, CA.
McKinnon, J. 2018. Second World War Underwater Cultural Heritage Management in Saipan. In The Pacific Underwater Cultural Heritage Partnership (ed.), Safeguarding Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific. UNESCO Apia, Solomon Islands, pp. 31-41.
C. Smith, J. Ralph, K. Lower, J. McKinnon, M. Ebbs, and V. Copley Senior. 2017. A New Framework for Interpreting Contact Rock Art: Reassessing the Rock Art at Nackara Springs, South Australia. In B. David and I. McNiven (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
McKinnon, J.F. 2015. Underwater Archaeology of a WWII Battlefield. In J.F. McKinnon and T. Carrell (eds.), Underwater Archaeology of a Pacific Battlefield: The WWII Battle of Saipan. Springer Press, New York, pp. 1-14.
McKinnon, J.F. 2015. “They Drank Their Own Tears”: Archaeology of Conflict Sites. In J.F. McKinnon and T. Carrell (eds.), Underwater Archaeology of a Pacific Battlefield: The WWII Battle of Saipan. Springer Press, New York, pp. 147-155.
Raupp, J.T., J.F. McKinnon, P. Harvey and J. San Nicolas. 2015. The Archaeological Survey of WWII Underwater Cultural Heritage: A Multi-Agency, Collaborative Approach. In J.F. McKinnon and T. Carrell (eds.), Underwater Archaeology of a Pacific Battlefield: The WWII Battle of Saipan. Springer Press, New York, pp. 39-48.
McKinnon, J. F. 2013. Difficult Heritage: Interpreting Underwater Battlefield Sites. In D. Scott-Ireton (ed.) Meeting Challenges in the Public Interpretation of Maritime Cultural Heritage – Between the Devil and the Deep. Springer Press, New York.
McKinnon, J. 2007. Creating a Shipwreck Trail: Documenting the 1733 Spanish Plate Fleet wrecks. In Out of the Blue; Public Interpretation of Maritime Cultural Resources. Edited by J. H. Jameson Jr. and D. Scott-Ireton. Springer Press, pp.85-94.
Journal Articles
Pruitt, J. and J.F. McKinnon. 2024. Site Formation Process Studies as Aircraft Site Identification: A WWII-era Flying Boat Case Study. Journal of Maritime Archaeology.
J. McKinnon, A. Ticknor, and D. Scott-Ireton. 2023. Force Multiplier: A Critical Reflection on Developing a Public Archaeology Veterans Program in Underwater Archaeology. Journal of Veteran Studies.
J. Mushynsky, J. McKinnon, G. Cabrera and H. Tudela. 2022. The Foundation of Our Island Identity: Chamorro Maritime Practices as Persistence and Resistance in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. AlterNative
W. Jeffery, J. McKinnon and H. Van Tilburg. 2021. Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies 17.2:135-168.
M. Hanks, A. E. Wright, and Jennifer McKinnon. 2021. Wounded Veterans in Parks and the Joint Recovery Team: American Veterans in Underwater Archaeology. Journal of Veteran Studies 7.1:245–257.
David, C. K., P. Smith, and J. McKinnon. 2020. The Journey Home: Recovering Self and Those Who Gave All. Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 7.4:234-238.
McKinnon J.F. 2020. Community Consensus-Building and Preservation Effort on WWII-Related Caves in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 7.4:272-286.
McKinnon, J., A. Ticknor, and A. Froula. 2019. Engaging Pacific Islander Veterans and Military Families in Difficult Heritage Discussions. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 14.2:167-181.
Mushynsky, J., J. McKinnon, and F. Camacho. 2019. The Archaeology of World War II Karst Defences in the Pacific. Journal of Conflict Archaeology 13.3:198-222.
Lickliter-Mundon, M., F. Cantelas, W. Coble, J. Kinney, J. McKinnon, J. Meyer, A. Pietruszka, B. Pilgrim, J. R. Pruitt, H. Van Tilburg. 2018. Identification of a Deepwater B-29 WWII Aircraft via ROV Teleprescence Survey. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 13.2:167-189.
McKinnon, J.F. 2016. A Preliminary Report of Investigations on the Eighteenth-Century Pillar Dollar Wreck, Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 45.2:457-466.
Pruitt, J. and J. McKinnon. 2016. “Go in close, and when you think you are too close, go in closer”; Finding historical records of downed US naval aircraft. Coriolis: Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies Vol 6.1:45-60.
McKinnon, J.F. 2016. Spanish Use of Inland Waterways: A Case Study at the Spanish Landing Site. Florida Anthropologist Vol 69.1:5-28.
Scott-Ireton, D. A. and J. McKinnon. 2015. As the Sand Settles: Education and Archaeological Tourism on Underwater Cultural Heritage. Journal of Public Archaeology 14.3:157-171.
McKinnon, J.F., S. Nahabedian and J. Raupp. 2015. A Colonial Shipwreck in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 45.1:94-104.
McKinnon J.F. 2015. Memorialization, Graffiti and Artifact Movement: a Case Study of Cultural Impacts on WWII Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 10.1:11-27.
Fowler, M., A. Roberts, J. McKinnon, C. O’Loughlin, F. Graham, K. Wanganeen and L. Irabinna Rigney. 2014. “They camped here always”: ‘Archaeologies of attachment’ in a seascape context at Wardang Island (Waraldi/Wara-dharldhi) and Point Pearce Peninsula (Burgiyana), South Australia. Australasian Historical Archaeology 32:14-22.
McKinnon, J., J. Mushynsky, and G. Cabrera. 2014. A Fluid Sea in the Mariana Islands: Community Archaeology and Mapping the Seascape of Saipan. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 9.1:59-79.
McKinnon, J., D. Wesley, J. Raupp and I. Moffat. 2013. Chronological and Spatial Characteristics of the Anuru Bay Macassan Trepang Site: Using Geophysical Survey to Extend Site Knowledge. Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 37:106-112.
Roberts, A., J. McKinnon, C. O’Loughlin, K. Wanganeen, L.-I. Rigney, and M. Fowler. 2013. Combining Indigenous and Maritime Archaeological Approaches: Experiences and Insights from the ‘(Re)locating Narrunga Project’, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 8.1:77-99.
Wesley, D., J. McKinnon and J. Raupp. 2012. Sails Set in Stone: A Technological Analysis of Non-Indigenous Watercraft Rock Art Paintings in North Western Arnhem Land. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 7.2:245-269.
Fowler, M. and J. McKinnon. 2012. Giving a Name to a Place: Identifying Shipwrecks and Exploring Local Attitudes in Port MacDonnell, South Australia. Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 36:44-54.
May, S., J. McKinnon, and J. Raupp. 2009. Boats on Bark: An Analysis of Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Bark Paintings Featuring Macassan Praus from the 1948 Arnhem Land Expedition, Northern Territory, Australia. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 38.2: 369 – 385.
Ortmann, N., J. McKinnon and V. Richards. 2010. In Situ Preservation and Storage: Practitioner Attitudes and Behaviors. The Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 34:27-44.
McKinnon, J., A. Smith, and I. Moffat. 2007. Kangaroo Island Shipwreck Shelter Huts. The Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 31:64-73.
McKinnon, J. and D. Scott-Ireton. 2006. Florida’s Mystery Wreck. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 35.2:187-194.
McKinnon, J. and T.L. Carrell. 2019. A Decade of Community-Based Projects in the Pacific on WWII Conflict Sites. Proceedings of the Fields of Conflict Conference. Pequot Museum, Connecticut, pp.37-42.
Roth, M. and J. McKinnon. 2018. “Unidentified Planes Sighted”: The Application of KOCOA Military Terrain Analysis to Aerial Combat. Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology Conference Proceedings, pp. 181-186.
McKinnon, J., A. Ticknor, and A. Froula. 2017. War in the Pacific: Difficult Heritage. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage. Hong Kong, pp. 1114-1130.
Mollema, I. and J.F. McKinnon. 2016. Legacies of an Old Design: Reconstructing Rapid’s Lines Using 3D Modelling Software. Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology Conference Proceedings.
Harris, L. and J. McKinnon. 2015. A Job Market and Benchmarking Survey of Maritime Archaeology. Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology Conference Proceedings, Vol 9: 125-130.
McKinnon, J.F and S. Bell. 2014. Site Formation Processes of Sunken Aircraft: A Case Study of Four WWII Aircraft in Saipan’s Tanapag Lagoon. Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology Conference Proceedings, Vol. 8: 287-293.
McKinnon, J.F. 2014. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: A Case Study in Developing a Program of Protecting Underwater Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage. Honolulu, Hawaii.
McKinnon, J.F. 2014. Feasibility study on capacity building in underwater cultural heritage in the Pacific. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage. Honolulu, Hawaii.
McKinnon, J.F. 2011. Inclusion and Negotiation: Interpreting Underwater Battlefield Sites for the Public. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage. Manila, Philippines.
McKinnon, J.F. and J. T. Raupp. 2011. The Potential for Research on Spanish Cultural Heritage in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage. Manila, Philippines.
Scholarship of Engagement
Personal website:
Sketchfab models:
McKinnon, J. 2023. Exploring Deepwater WWII Battlefields – Project Overview. NOAA OE. link
McKinnon, J. and A. Williams. 2023. Dept. of Defense POW-MIA Hellcat Excavation. Humanities Half Hour. link
Ticknor, A., McKinnon, J. Flood, N., Camacho, F. 2023. Battle Scars and Sites of Resilience. link
McKinnon, J. 2021. Actor to Ally to Accomplice: A New ACUA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Travel Conference Award. Blog post on Advisory Council for Underwater Archaeology. link
McKinnon, J., M. Stephens, P. Smith. 2020. WTFNationRadio podcast. link
McKinnon, J. 2020. Multiple Properties National Register nominations Submerged WWII Sites Related to the Battle for Saipan. Submitted to the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program.
McKinnon, J. 2020. The Most Important Thing I’ve Done. In B. Ford, J. Halligan, and A. Catsambis Our Blue Planet: An Introduction to Maritime and Underwater Archaeology. Oxford University Press, pp.290-291.
McKinnon, J. 2018. Underground History radio piece with Jefferson Public Radio. link
McKinnon, J., A. Ticknor, and A. Froula. 2018. War in the Pacific: A Difficult heritage. link
McKinnon, J. Benchmarking and Job Skills in Underwater Archaeology. 2018. Blog post on Advisory Council for Underwater Archaeology. link
McKinnon, J. and D. Scott-Ireton. 2017. Tanks, Planes, Amphibious Vehicles and Ships: Exploring Saipan’s WWII Maritime Heritage Trail. WWII History Magazine, April Issue, pp. 22-27, 73.
McKinnon, J. 2017. Operation Forager. Museum of Underwater Archaeology. link
McKinnon, J. 2016. The Pillar Dollar Wreck Blog. Museum of Underwater Archaeology. link
McKinnon, J.F. and T. Carrell. 2014. This is Our History, These are Our Stories. Production of four TV and radio Public Service Announcements on protecting WWII caves in Saipan, CNMI with Windward Media Productions. link
McKinnon, J. and T. Carrell. 2012. WWII Maritime Heritage Trail: Battle of Saipan –18 minute interpretive film. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research, Corpus Christi, Texas with Windward Media Productions. link
McKinnon, J.F. 2012. Battle of Saipan WWII Maritime Heritage Trail Website. link
Please refer to Dr. McKinnon’s personal webpage for further publications and research.
Courses Offered:
HIST 5005: In Situ Conservation, Preservation and Management of Maritime Heritage
HIST 5005: Public and Community Maritime Archaeology
HIST 6225: Battlefield Archaeology
HIST 6805: History and Theory of Nautical Archaeology
HIST 6820: Research Methods in Nautical Archaeology
HIST 6835: Advanced Methods for Maritime Archaeology